Friday, 21 December 2012

Christmas Lap Quilt

Well, I'm one step closer to meeting my 4th quarter finish-along goals.  The Christmas fabric that I won from  Gail (Hand Quilter) has progressed from this

to this.

I added some Snow and  some cute little reindeer from Riley Blake to make this little lap quilt. 

Straight line quilting on either side of each seam adds to the clean crisp look, as does the cheery red binding.  It adds the perfect Christmas touch to a chair in the corner of my living room.   

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Fraternal twin quilts

I really should start recording more of the process rather than just saying what I've done.  The odd thing is, I'm really a process person--I'm just not someone who documents that process.  Maybe that should be my 2013 resolution.

At any rate, I have a finish.  Actually, it's two finishes, and also actually, I really finished these at least two weeks ago, but it's been impossible to photograph them. With the leaden grey sky that forces me to keep the lights on throughout the day, I wasn't able to get in indoor shot at all.  And the endless rain prevented me from taking them outside.  But the weather finally cleared long enough to take some pictures.

These I-spy/matching game quilts were on my 4th quarter finish-along list.   The centers of the framed squares include (among other things) butterflies, chairs, pink pigs, grey elephants, balloons, scissors, sail boats, owls (both happy and scowly), fairies, mushrooms, bicycles, swings, kites, doll carriages, dresses, and many birds.  All that fussy cutting really ate through the stash, but now I'm left with a huge stack of scraps.  The frames are made from pastel Kona solid jelly rolls.

The backs use up the jelly roll strip leftovers as well as some Kona snow and polka dots from the stash.  Binding is a pink and white Lecien stripe. 

While not identical, the two quilts are similar enough to cause some confusion over ownership.  To forestall any potential disagreements, I foundation pieced their initials in two corners (to keep with the matching theme).

Quilting was a simple swirly loop--easy to do, and it crinkles so nicely.  These are quilted closely enough for durability, but they're still beautifully soft.  I hope the girls like them as much as I do.