Friday, 17 January 2014

First quarter goal setting

I love the start of a new year--there's such hope--such optimism--so many good intentions.  And with the start of the new year it's time to set my first quarter finish-along goals.  And, I know that I'm going to be focused and dedicated, and accomplish so much this quarter (never mind that I didn't have a single finish for the last quarter of 2013--but that was last year and I'd rather not talk about it). 

I have a couple of carry forwards that I'd like to finish in the next 3 months.  This list should be longer--there were a lot of things I didn't finish last quarter, but I'm going to be taking it slow for a while yet.

First is this Anita's arrowhead.  I've made good progress on it, and finished all of the blocks.  Now I only (love the way that word makes everything sound so easy to accomplish) have to join them together and I'll have the top done.  I'm looking forward to quilting it, as the intended recipient prefers loops and swirls over straight line quilting.  I'm really ready for some loops and swirls.

And then, there's this "art quilt" that came about as part of a challenge.  This one has stalled, but I have a lot more ideas now than I did when I started the project.  It's just a matter of getting them out of my head and on to the fabric.  I'm really not very good with the whole improv thing.

Then there are the new projects.
Kids Clothes Week.  This year KCW runs from 27 January to 2 February.  And this time, I'm actually organized enough that I can include it on my FAL list.  It's been a while since that happened.  I have the pattern, I have the fabric and I have the kids who would like new dresses.

Speaking of clothing, it's time I made something for myself.  I have this great Vogue tunic pattern and the softest knit imaginable.  I can't wait to wear this one.  It should look great with leggings, so I can be both comfortable and presentable.

And I also want to tackle a couple of smaller projects.

I really need to do something about my pressing board.  Right now, it's a piece of (very thin oak) plywood with a towel wrapped around it.  Not exactly a photogenic subject.

Since I already have the towel and the board,  I'm going to follow the tutorial from Missouri Star Quilting and turn this into a proper pressing board.  Not only will it  look better, it should also be more functional.  It's really difficult to use a lint roller to pick up the threads from toweling--especially starched and pressed toweling. 

Finally, I'm working on a really long term hexi project, and I need to make a functional portable project sewing case.  I'm currently using a plastic box that once held blueberries.  As with the pressing board, what I have now works at a very basic level, but is far from attractive.  I'm going to use this tutorial for an English paper piecing travel kit with a few modifications.  I love the way it holds everything without being too bulky. Seriously, have you ever tried to carry a plastic clam shell berry box in your purse?

Now, it's time to link up all these good intentions.
Finish Along 2014