I've decided that it's time that I started posting more in progress work in order to remind myself that I'm still making progress even if it's so slow as to be barely noticeable. Or, as in the case of today's post, several steps backwards.
The short story is that I decided to make a duvet cover. I prefer the aesthetics of a quilt, but in winter, the light weight warmth of a duvet is essential. As a compromise, a pieced duvet cover seemed to be in order. So, I took several stacks of charms and turned them into a very pretty hst quilt top. But, without a backing and batting and quilting, how was I to keep the unfinished seams on the back from fraying in the wash? Simple, I thought. I'd just do some faux quilting that would seal in those seams. I tested a few of the quilting stitched on my machine and finally decided on this serpentine stitch. Voila!
The problem is that it looks much nicer in the photo than it does in person where it puckers and looks and feels very stiff. The vertical stitching looked fine, and the horizontal rows looked okayish. But when I started on the diagonal lines, I decided that I just couldn't live with it. The intersecting seams are the worst, and they're also the most difficult to pick out.
Yes, I'm taking out all that I've done. Fortunately, the top was divided in thirds, so it could have been a lot worse. I've finished the first column--only five more to go. Then, it's on to plan B.
Linking up with Lee: