Monday, 14 July 2014

Third Quarter Goals

Well this is going to be short and sweet.  Since I did so abysmally last quarter, I'm just going to bring a couple of things forward from that list. 

First, I haven't made any headway on the cushion covers.  None at all.  So the daybed still looks like this.

If I can manage to finish just one this quarter, I'll count that as a win.  Two would be a miracle.

And, these little toppers are still in progress.  I've gone from this

to this

It would be nice to finish them for the fall.  All I have to do is block the pieces, sew them together, and knit the sleeve and collar bands. 

That's what I call a pretty minimalist list.  Too minimalist, perhaps, but of course, there are some non-list items to consider.  I want to make another summery tunic while it's still warm enough to wear it.  And Kid's Clothes Week is coming up on 21 July.  I can't justify adding either of these to my fal list, though, because I haven't actually started.  I haven't yet pulled  the fabrics or even the patterns.  Well, I'll definitely be making some Monkey Bar Skirts ( really cute little pattern by crafterhours) and a couple of summery dresses for the girls during KCW, but that's as far as I've got in the planning stage.  This is in contrast to the cushion covers since I consider purchasing the forms and selecting fabrics, patterns, and techniques as having started.    A subtle difference, I know, but it's one I can live with. 

Linking to Katy at 
Finish Along 2014

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Second Quarter Wrap-up Post

I'm going to make this easy for Katy.

Here's the link to my second quarter goal-setting post.

And, here's the link to the ta-da post for my single, solitary finish--the Anita's Arrowhead quilt that I made for my daughter.

That's it.  No finished sweaters, no finished cushion covers.  Nothing but the one quilt.  What can I say--it's summer, and after several years of relative neglect, I had to get out and do something with the garden.  Not that I'm complaining.  It was great to feel well enough to weed and dig and plant after being unable to do much of anything physical for so long.  But, now that the garden is looking more or less presentable, I'm hoping that I can accomplish more next quarter.

Linking to the Quarter 2 Finish Party

Finish Along 2014